Accounting and Auditing Services
Otis and Associates, P.C. offers traditional accounting services, which include audits, reviews, compilations, and accounting services for corporations, medium sized companies, state and local governments, and federal agencies.

We follow a uniformed approach, a comprehensive quality control program monitors adherence to which auditing and accounting is the mainstay of our practice, our breadth of experience gives us the perspective to perform auditing services skillfully and efficiently. Our auditing and accounting services include :

Audits, Reviews and Compilations
Interim Statements
Trend Analysis

Budget Financial Reports

Forecasting and Budgeting
Cost Analysis
Internal Control Systems
Bookkeeping Assistance

Muncipal Audit Services
Our municipal audit practice has an unparalleled reputation for guiding and advising the finances of municipal entities throughout the region. Our philosophy is based on providing full financial resource capabilities to the client engagement. This philosophy has been instrumental in establishing Otis and Associates, P.C. as the premier public accounting firm in the region for financial and management advisory services to government and human service entities.

Government accounting principles have become increasingly more complex in recent years. However, the management team members of our municipal audit service department have remained actively involved in this ever-changing environment. More specifically, the managers maintain close personal contact with our clients, enabling us to advise municipal officials on issues facing government.

While a significant number of our services are devoted to audits of financial statements, we also have specialized in compliance audits pursuant to the Single Audit Act. Otis and Associates, P.C. has provided leadership and guidance ensuring that our clients will be in complete compliance with all regulations and policy guidelines. Our municipal audits include these areas:

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Act Audit
Compliance Audits and Reviews
Due Diligence Services
Financial Audits
Internal Control Reviews
FMFIA Reviews
Medicare/Medicaid Audits
OMB Reviews: Circulars A-123, A-127,
A-130 and A-133; Audits: A-133
 Programs/Single Audits
Information Systems Audits and Reviews

Tax Services
With the size, breadth and experience of our tax department, Otis and Associates, P.C. is able to deal with the toughest tax issues and achieve favorable results for clients. Planning is the emphasis in our tax department. With a clear understanding of the business activities and management’s objectives, the audit and tax professionals work together to achieve tax benefits and savings. Our tax services include the following:

Personal financial Planning
Tax/Debt Resolution Service
Estate, Trust and Gift Planning
Mergers and Acquisitions
Distribution Planning for Qualified Plans
Deferred Compensation and Retirement
Pension, Profit-sharing and 401K Plan
Cafeteria and Flexible Benefits Plans
Employee Stock Ownership Program

Management Consulting Services
Client-centered! Value-driven! Focused! Best Practices! These are the mantra and philosophy of our management consulting engagements. Our team is coming to you with the benefits of externality to assist you in optimizing the priorities that achieve your organizational goals. Our competencies and proprietary methodologies are offered to assist in the specific areas of need. Our expertise covers the following inter-related capabilities:

Business Plan Development
Business Process Re-Engineering
Cross-Functional Review and Mediation
Environmental Factors Analysis
Financial Feasibility Analysis
Globalization Analysis and Review
Human Capital Development
Human Factors Engineering
Knowledge Management
Market/Feasibility Analysis
Organizational Change Management
Performance and Operations Improvement
Public Policy Analysis
Research Analytics
Review of Internal Controls
Stakeholder Relations Management
Strategic Planning/Education
Systems Analysis and Design
Training and Development
Workforce Development

Management Information Systems Services
Consistent with the firm’s total resource philosophy, we offer a wide range of consulting services through the Management Information Systems (MIS) division. The MIS division is staffed with professionals who are dedicated to maximizing each client’s return on investment in technology. Otis and Associates P.C., goal is to optimize and protect technology investments, considering the rapidly changing environment of the information technology industry. The information systems specialists have extensive knowledge of the latest hardware and software applications which keenly positions Otis and Associates to be a resource as well as a business partner. Our MIS services include the following:

Planning and Design
Computer System /Application Studies
Hardware/Software Selection
Conversion Support
Security sand Support Procedures
Application Specifications

Local Area Network
Wide Area Network

Database Management/Administration
Department workflow/Analysis
Data and information Security Reviews
Data Processing Management

Training and Support
Computer System Implementation
Software Implementation
Staff Support

Quality Assurance
The accounting profession has come under close scrutiny, and in an effort to ensure continued high standards, a quality control review program has been implemented within the profession. Otis and Associates, P.C. has undergone a quality control review and has received an unqualified opinion from the independent reviewer. The review encompassed the firm’s government accounting and auditing practice. This opinion indicates that the quality of the firm’s control systems provides clients with the assurance of the highest level of work on audit engagements.

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